As a consumer it can be very hard to find a contractor you can trust. After all it seems like every day
you turn on the news to here one horror story after another. The PWMCA is designed to be a gap
between the mobile cleaning industry and the end consumer.
What we are not is a lead generating site. We know that you can go online and use a lead generating
site to find a contractor. The problem we have found with these sites is disconnecting from the
industries they represent and the consumers they serve. The leads go out to the highest bidders at times
or to contractors who might have the best of intentions but lack the skills to complete the jobs.
We are an association of business owners that want to improve the industries we service. Our cleaning
professionals are constantly striving to improve the cleaning industry by requiring higher standards and
more education. After all, our motto is Education Inspires Motivation. Please feel free to use our
contractor locator to find a contractor in your area. Rest assured the contractor you are hiring is working to change the cleaning industry in a positive light.

Wood cleaning and staining is a bit more of an art than other forms of pressure washing. Wood is more prone to damage from the use of high pressure by an inexperienced contractor. A qualified contractor will know how to clean and remove old finishes without resorting to high pressure blasting then follow that cleaning with a high quality sealing product.

Have you seen those black streaks on your roof? Those streaks are caused by an algae called gloeocapsa magma. Pressure is never recommended to clean your roofs delicate surface. Roof cleaning should only be done by qualified contractors using no pressure to safely restore your roof without the risk of damage.

Window cleaning is one of those dreaded chores, by hiring a skilled PWMCA contractor you can be sure
you will get a streak free shine everytime. PWMCA contractors are going to be up to date on the latest
methods and equipment to make your windows sparkle. PWMCA contractors use both wfp and
traditional methods depending on the needs and wants of the customer.

Concrete cleaning is often overlooked but can be very important to your home or businesses
appearance and also to the safety of those visiting the property. When algae builds up on concrete it can
be slippery and cause a hazard. PWMCA members are skilled in proper methods to clean concrete and
other flat work.

House washing is more than just going to a box store and spraying the house with pressure. Our
contractors know the proper pressures and chemicals to use to assure that you do not damage the
home while washing. House washing can improve the homes appearance and protect the home from
unnecessary damage.